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We feel pleasure in introducing ourselves "Info Doctcare Services (P) Limited" (widely known as Doctcare Services) a company registered under the Indian company Act. 1956. The objective is to provide the complete professional protection to its members by defending their cases from lower court level upto Hon'ble Supreme court level and also provides Professional Indemnity Insurance coverage from The Oriental Insurance Company Limited.
This Proposal must be signed all. questions must be answered. The completion and signature of this proposal does not proposer or insurer to complete a contract of insurance. If the space is insufficient to answer question, Please use additional sheets and attach it to this form. The company does not assume any liabilities- until Proposal has been accepted and premium Paid.
This Proposal must be signed. All questions must be answered. The completion and signature of this proposal does not bind the proposer or insurer to complete a contract of insurance. If the space is insufficient to answer question, Please use additional sheets and attach it to this form. The company does not assume any liabilities until Proposal has been accepted and premium paid.
Vakaltnama must be signed.